A lot of us are very bad at shouting about how fantastic we are. We know we provide a good service but how do we shout about this and how is this measured that we can be confident others know this to.
I hear some companies say we offer a really great service as we do not get any complaints, is this the right way to measure?
I also see some companies being so in your face especially on social media, are they shouting to loud, giving the wrong message and putting people off by posting to often?
What is the right thing to do? Million-dollar question and more content than one blog!
This week I am looking at my values, do I shout about them? Probably not as much as I should, I assume people know I will do a great job. Highlighting them in this blog is just the start!
My six key values are:
Dedication – in any coaching or consultancy session with a client I give them my full concentration and total Positive Regard.
Loyalty – every client to me is important, my clients know that I will always have their back when its needed and can always count on me.
Accountability – I follow things through, if I say I am going to do something I will, I will never let anyone down.
Experience – I use this when relevant, 30 years in the property industry and running my own business has given me a huge amount of experience of which now I want to share and should not be ignored. However, I love to learn from others and delight in new experiences.
Empathy – I feel this is really valuable for my clients, I know what it is like to worry about paying the VAT bill, I know what it is like when staff are not performing. I can empathise, but also with my empathy and experience can help others deal with issues they may be facing.
Encouragement – this is given in bucket loads, everyone is fabulous, everyone has a place. Sometimes though people lack motivation, need accountability, need goals need belonging, need self-worth, I am not called the ‘Pat on the back coach’ for nothing.
So, this week, I want action from you! Take ten minutes out of your day and ask yourself.
What are your core values that drive your business?
How many do you have?
Do you know what they are?
Do you shout about them? Do you need to shout about them more?
Where do you shout about them? Do you measure this?
What is your business like when it is at its very best?
Imagine a point in the future when you have achieved everything you want in your business. Look back today and describe the steps you took to get there?
Do you need help establishing what they are, why not give me a call and book a FREE 30 minutes on my website

to see how I can help you?