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Group Coaching

"Don't let the fear of striking out, keep you from playing the game."

What is Group Coaching?


Group coaching is working with individuals in groups. The focus can range from leadership development to career development, stress management to team building. Group coaching combines the benefits of individual coaching with the resources of groups. Individuals learn from each other and the interactions that take place within the group setting.

Each member of the group will have individual goals, areas to focus on and everyone is accountable for their own achievements. 


Some examples are: 

  • Parents who have a sense of loss as their children have flown the nest.

  • Working mums, sharing the pressures of working and being a great mum

  • Confidence and resilience building

  • Young adults – where do I go after school, what career do I want – help. 

  • Returning to work from Maternity leave 

  • Career development – young adults and or midlife career changes 

  • Stepping into Leadership 

  • Business Owners 

  • First Time Managers 

  • This is usually over at least six months, meeting monthly for 2/3 hours per time


What can a Group Coaching session look like?


At the start of every session certain aspects such as confidentiality and non-judgement is always clarified.  We will discuss what the objective of the session is that day, review of goals set from the last session and how the group wish to feel at the end of the session.


Where can Group Coaching take place?


A place where you are comfortable, without distractions, to enable the group to focus on each other and be open and honest, the greater impact coaching will be. 


Face to face – Zoom – Outdoor - Mutual meeting place 


What I have gained from Group Coaching?

Too know I am not alone, to hear ideas from others, to share success and also future ideas and plans


Coaching is unlocking a person’s potential to maximise their own performance!



Why not book a FREE 30 minutes with Nicola now to see how she can help you – please go to contact page. 

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